Music Course Information
Toddler Tunes
Age Range: 18 months – 4 years
Course Length: 16 weeks, 30 min sessions or ongoing monthly sessions.
The Toddler Tunes program provides a strong basis for future musical involvement.
Tots learn through experiencing melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic concepts in their singing, activity songs, movement and rhythm activities, finger plays, and active keyboard games.
Because toddlers are learning music naturally – much as they learn language – the opportunity to repeat patterning (melody and rhythm) is critical. Recent brain research has shown that children who feel a steady pulse are much more likely to become good readers.
Parents/caregivers share in making music with their child in class and are guided to continue daily musical activities at home. Toddler Tunes provides a wonderful bonding opportunity for parent and child and the motivating music makes it fun for the whole family.
Music in Me
Age Range: 3 - 6 years
Course Length: 16 week, 45 minute sessions
Music in Me is designed to immerse children and parents in activities which develop the ear, utilize the tactile-kinesthetic sense, explore keyboard geography and playing through tracking activities, set pre-reading concepts combined with pitch awareness, experience large motor skills in movement songs and fine motor skills with hand/finger play songs and activities.
Parents/caregivers share in class time and are guided in follow-up activities.
As parents/caregivers, teacher, and children share in the music making – a strong bond is made that will last a lifetime.
More Music in Me
Continuing class for Music in me students.
Hello Music
Age Range: 3 - 5 years
Course Length: 4 weeks, 45 min sessions
The Hello Music course is an introductory class for three and five-year-olds who are new to the Harmony Road Music Course. It is offered in four, 45 minute sessions. It can also serve as a continuing program for children who have attended the "Toddler Tunes" classes.
Music Time
Age Range: 4 1/2 -6 years
Course Length: 4 weeks, 30 min sessions
Music Time actively involves the parent/caregiver and child as they experience together movement, solfege singing, fun activity songs, rhythm (with body rhythm and small percussion instruments), hand/finger readiness games, keyboard/piano activities for keyboard geography and pitch concepts, plus creative projects to prepare for first note reading experiences.