
Harmony Road Music Courses

Comprehensive Group Music Programs For Kids

Harmony Road Music curriculum specializes in early childhood Music Education, has been creating complete musicians since 1981 and is offered in more than 140 locations worldwide.

Harmony Road programming is piano-based and provides motivating materials, fun hands-on activities and is designed to develop the whole child. Our group classes and parental/caregiver involvement provide a rich environment for developing many skills.

This innovative and comprehensive programming was created to help children discover the world of music. It prepares them to absorb and store musical patterns and concepts for enjoyment and growth in all of their musical endeavors.

Harmony Road curriculum is carefully constructed for children to learn the basic building blocks of music. Emphasis is on ear training, solfege singing, keyboard solo and ensemble playing, ensemble and rhythm activities, movement, and music creativity. This exceptional course encourages the development of “inner hearing”, which makes transposing, improvisation, and composing easily accessible in their musical studies.

Harmony Road is…

* Motivating age specific courses, materials, and curriculum.

* Focused on movement, music creativity and keyboard.

* Small class sizes of 4-6 students & their parents/caregivers.

* Certified teachers who understand children’s learning styles.

* Exciting materials with MP3 thumb drives of course music.

* A layered curriculum for student success.

* Available nationwide in certified music education centers.

Hilary Brumley

Certified Harmony Road Instructor

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